Billing rate percentage for partnership

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14-Apr-2013 06:36 PM


Posts: 1


I saw your original post on the thread and am asking a very direct question here. I’m getting started with my first practice in metropolitan LA and am partnering with an MD who wants to have acupuncture as a side business for continuing pain relief treatment for his patients. He is going to take care of the rental costs of this new office and I’m wondering what a right percentage cut-off for the patients he refers me like 40/60 or 50/50 or 60/40. I’m new to this field so I expect 70% of my patients would be directly through him while 30% will be patients I acquire (already have a few who have been waiting for me to start a practice)

Also, I think he may look to get a cut out of patients I bring in since I’m using his office. What would be a right percentage for this? Worth noting is that we are only doing out-of-network insurance for this so we will provide patients with a superbill they can take back to their insurance companies but they would need to pay upfront

Thanks so much for maintaining this forum!


15-Apr-2013 06:21 PM


Posts: 1

Excellent response and thanks for making me aware of few things I had no idea about. I’ll keep everything you said in mind and continue my research on this. What do you think about a reasonable split or the patients I bring in? Should the MD get any share of this?

Thanks again


17-Apr-2013 02:29 PM

Matthew Bauer

Posts: 211

I would say that depends on just how much the Dr is doing for you overall. What I suggest you do is try to figure what it would cost you if you were paying for the rent and all other services you might be getting from the arrangement such as support staff, billing, etc. Then start to estimate how many patients you would need to treat at what fees with how much going to the Dr to cover that cost. You don’t want to be paying far more in any kind of percentage than you would if paying out of pocket, especially if you start bringing-in more and more patients on your own. This is another reason it is much better to get to the point you can pay directly rather than any split as soon as possible. 

Matthew Bauer