Using the Making Acupuncture Pay Resources

Please Note! Due to the high volume of irritating spam and slow-down of participation here, we are no longer accepting new comments, questions, or subjects on this Forum. We are keeping all the subjects and comments for review as there is a lot of good stuff here relating to practice-building subjects. So, dig deep! Thanks to everyone who participated here but it is time to move on to bigger projects educating the public about acupuncture! Matt Bauer

08-Jul-2013 08:11 AM

Matthew Bauer

Posts: 211

Welcome to the nearly 200 new Likes to the MAP Facebook page! I developed this Forum as a resource for Acupuncturists anywhere to be able to get and give advice on all aspects of the incredibly broad subject acupuncture represents and especially practical practice-building advice.  I hope you will take some time to look over the Forum postings here (there are 4 pages as of this post) as you will find a lot of information including discussions of some questions you may have. I will eventually group these postings into specific subject matter categories but for now feel free to peruse the smorgasbord.  If you don’t want to use your name when posting in the Forum, you can choose any user name you wish. I have to approve your first post then your posts will go straight through. If you have something you wish to communicate to me and don’t want to have this in the Forum, you can email directly at:


I am currently working to add more resources including inviting other experienced Acupuncturists to offer their expertise and to offer low-cost CEUs/PDAs. I am committed to offering predominantly free resources so all the materials in the CEUs/PDAs will be free and only obtaining the credits will have any fee. My hope is that if people like this material, want to support these efforts to provide more resources, and need CEUs/PDAs, I will be able to use the money raised to fund greater and greater levels of free resources. I will not be “selling” anything other than my books and these CEU/PDA credits not even “memberships” or “tutorial training”.  I think there can be a way to offer a tremendous level of free resources with some creative planning AND the support of enough people who want to see this happen. Click the CEU/PDA tab to read or download the courses I have so far. I will notify everyone once we have the credits available for purchase.


I spent many years earlier in my AOM career working with AOM membership organizations and it has been sad to see most of those failed to either attract enough members and especially to hold the interest of those they did attract (the Community Acupuncture movement is the one notable exception). I think these organizations struggled because they kept asking their members to work for the organization instead of working at offering their members something really worthwhile for their membership fees. I want to build something different here – lots of down to earth practical advice and resources with no membership fees. No one has to buy anything to get these resources but may choose to support these efforts by buying the very few low cost and worthwhile products offered. Most all of the profits from the sales of my Making Acupuncture Pay book are being put into the MAP site and developing the CEU/PDA system. If this is successful, I will invest those profits to develop things like free video and audio resources, teleconferences, clinical documents like super bills or other clinical forms. etc., etc.  I am up for the challenge. I can think of nothing more rewarding at this stage of my career than helping Acupuncturists become successful in helping thousands of patients.


If you like what you see here and what I am trying to build, please support this by offering your feedback and telling others about these resources. I thank you all again for the interest you have shown and hope to help you help others.  My very best – Matt Bauer  

Matthew Bauer