
Please Note! Due to the high volume of irritating spam and slow-down of participation here, we are no longer accepting new comments, questions, or subjects on this Forum. We are keeping all the subjects and comments for review as there is a lot of good stuff here relating to practice-building subjects. So, dig deep! Thanks to everyone who participated here but it is time to move on to bigger projects educating the public about acupuncture! Matt Bauer

22-Apr-2013 10:37 AM

Sarah Canga

Posts: 1

I saw an article you had posted about neuropathy and medication. I mentioned it to a patient this morning but now I can’t find the article. Can you repost? Thanks! 

Sarah Canga LAc


22-Apr-2013 11:04 AM

Matthew Bauer

Posts: 211

Great to hear you wanted your patient to read this. The original post “Treating Neuropathy and Other Difficult Cases” had slipped down to page two. We have three pages of postings now. They start on page one with those with the latest messages so you might have to keep looking through the pages. I posted something on the original thread so it will now show on page one. Thanks for your interest and sharing this with your patient.

Matthew Bauer


24-Apr-2013 07:00 AM

Sarah Canga

Posts: 1

Great! Thanks. 🙂

Sarah Canga LAc